Film Giallo a Venezia (1979)

The 1979 film “Giallo a Venezia” is a slow-moving, misogynistic bloodbath centered around Detective DePaul investigating a brutal murder near a Venetian canal. The story delves into the perverse nature of the victims and a psychotic killer’s gruesome acts.
The film aims for graphic softcore sex and explicit bloodshed, excelling in shock value with memorable gore scenes. However, it falls short in delivering a cohesive plot, and the finale is deemed nonsensical, undermining the buildup.
Starring Leonora Fani, Jeff Blynn, Gianni Dei, and Maria Angela Giordan, the movie caters to completists and gore enthusiasts. With a focus on erotica and horror, “Giallo a Venezia” may not appeal to broader audiences due to its excessive and unsatisfactory nature.
The film is classified as unrated and falls under the horror and mystery genres. It is best suited for those seeking intense and explicit content, steering away from mainstream entertainment preferences.

I Skorpionens Tegn (1977)

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