Adult Film Exhibition 79 (1979)

Adult Film Exhibition 79 took place in 1979. The event showcased various adult films in different genres. It was a platform for industry professionals to exhibit their work and for enthusiasts to explore the world of adult cinema.

Attendees had the opportunity to immerse themselves in a wide range of genres within the adult film industry. From romance to action, comedy to drama, the exhibition covered diverse themes, catering to various preferences and tastes.

The event brought together filmmakers, producers, actors, and fans under one roof, creating an environment that celebrated the artistry and creativity of adult filmmaking. It served as a networking hub and a place for industry professionals to exchange ideas and collaborate on future projects.

The Adult Film Exhibition 79 provided a platform for individuals passionate about adult cinema to connect with like-minded individuals and gain insights into the industry. It was a melting pot of talent, ideas, and creativity, offering a glimpse into the diverse and dynamic world of adult filmmaking.

I Skorpionens Tegn (1977)

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