Film Seance (2000)

Film Seance (2000) is a genre-bending thriller directed by Kiyoshi Kurosawa. The protagonist, Junco (Jun Fubuki), possesses clairvoyant abilities. When a girl goes missing, Junco’s psychic powers are put to the test. However, their plan goes awry, and they are haunted by the ghost of the girl. The film features notable stars Yukari Ishida and Show Aikawa. Screened at the 2000 Toronto Film Festival, Seance showcases a unique blend of drama and horror.

Katsuhiko (Koji Yakusho) is married to Junco and is aware of her unusual abilities. A young psychology graduate student invites Junco to join his study on the paranormal. Meanwhile, the police consult Junco to locate a kidnapped girl. But Junco’s plan to make the discovery more dramatic backfires, leading to tragic consequences. As the story unfolds, the couple finds themselves haunted by the ghost of the deceased child.

The film’s exploration of psychic abilities and the repercussions of meddling with the supernatural make for a suspenseful and eerie viewing experience. Seance challenges viewers to ponder the blurred lines between reality and the unknown. With a mix of drama, horror, and psychological elements, this movie offers a thought-provoking take on the consequences of playing with forces beyond our control. Watch Seance for a spine-chilling journey into the realm of the paranormal and the macabre.


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